This page is designed for the use of ProClean's Group Organizers. You can submit contact information below using our Group Scheduling Form. Most of our groups are scheduling dryer vent cleaning service or a combination of dryer vent cleaning and chimney cleaning / inspection. But you can also use the form below to schedule air duct cleaning. Here are some tips for you that will make your scheduling experience as easy as possible.
Tip 1 (Information): Collect information for every unit You want to schedule, we will need:
First Name
Last Name
Property Address
Phone Number
Tip 2 (For Dryer Vent Cleaning): Usually we offer 2 hour arrival time window for every house and the service itself takes from 15 min up to 1 hour per unit depending on the complexity of the services performed. For Group schedule we offer 2 arrival time windows with the same time, for example 10am to 12pm(1st Unit) and 10am to 12pm(2nd Unit), so You can schedule 2 houses within the same arrival time
Tip 3 (For Air Duct Cleaning): Usually we offer 2 hour arrival time window for every house and the service itself takes from 1.5 hours up to 3 hours per unit depending on the complexity of the services performed.
Tip 4 (Timing): Assign the timing slots for the members of Your group, make sure there are no gaps in Your schedule, Your timing should be coherent and sequential, here are some bad and good examples:
✅ Good Timing 9am to 11am / 9am(1st Unit) to 11am(2nd Unit) / 10am to 12pm(1st Unit) / 10am to 12pm(2nd Unit)
❌ Bad Timing 9am to 11am(1st Unit) / 11am to 1pm(2nd Unit) / 2pm to 4pm (1st Unit) / 2pm to 4pm(2nd Unit)
Tip 5 (Notes or Comments): You can use this section to relay useful information about any house to us or technician on site. For example: "Door bell does not work, please knock" or You can use it to ID your particular group, it could be the name of Your HOA or some particular group name